I have created the bopf object: ztest.
I created odata service and redefined the odata model with bopf.
/bofu/gui_cust table entry is
client: 100, service name: ztest1_srv, service version: 1, model name: ztest1_mdl, version:1, bo : ztest, default query: select_all.
If i try to overwrite the data model of odata service, it will create new entry in /bopf/gbi_cust table.
when i generate the odata service and run my service in /iwfnd/gw_client.
service url: /sap/opu/odata/SAP/ZTEST1_SRV;v=0002/ROOTCollection.
question: 1. why the service url is appended wiht ;v=0002 is added in the url.
how to make it work without version value appended?
2. did i do any mistake while creating the odata service?
3. while creating i got the service name: ztest1_1_srv.
Can somebody help me in creating step by step procedure to create odata service with screenshots in $tmp package?
I have created almost 3 t 4, but still i am not getting.
If i remove the version, i cant access the odata service. 403 forbidden error.No service found for namespace , name ZTEST1_SRV, version 0001.
please help me with this.
Also, my UI need to access data like tree table,
node1->node2->node3 in stepwise node1 is root node.
how to query this way from ui or rest client?