Hello Experts,
could you pelase clarify, what is the proper way to call BAPIs from BO actions ? I'm doing a BAPI call in my action, which creates a document. After in AFTER_COMMIT determination when saving the transaction, I want to start a workflow, and add GOS attachments to the document created by the BAPI call, but this document not become persistent. What I know, that BOPF does the commit work automatically and the changes to BOPF data are done in an UPDATE task.
May I call BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT in my BO action, or maybe use SET UPDATE TASK LOCAL statement before calling the BAPI? I do not want to "crash" the BOPF phase model with my own commits. The slave transaction manager is for the opposite case as far as I understood, where we do not want to allow the BOPF to commit, so does not apply. Any advice is welcome .
Thank you